People will know if you updated the program or if they already have the latest release. Infinite Health Codejunkies 003C4C0B 00000050.

Maybe you could ask MiMicAX for help to add the same feature ?Īnother good advice : Add a version number to everything you release. Code: Boot to Character Select Screen InternetExplorer, Achilles (1.02) 041BFA20 38600002 (1.00) 041BEBB4 38600002 (PAL) 041C1580 38600002. I have Collected a few Gecko Codes for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker NTSC/PAL/NTSC-J. Mirage Session trainer also has a "search offset" option, to help users find how much value they need to shift all the addresses with. It's probably harder to do, as you'll have to add a "+ offset" to all your addresses, then add an area in your program where users can enter the offset manually.

It seems (based on Mirage Session trainer tool) that users can move the memory address with a specific offset (add or remove a value to all the cheatcode addresses) based on the console or loading method. Version 1.2 however puts the file in the wrong location. When creating a GCT File it can be exported straight to an SD Card. Version 1.2 is a little more updated but functionally they both do the same thing. There are two versions included in the download. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD - Dekirai's Wii U Codes All the Cheats are created and tested with the tcpgecko.elf build from 28.08.17. You might understand that all the memory addresses are different based on the WiiU version, or the Kernel used (normal kernel, or loadiine kernel), etc. Gecko Code Manager is a Windows application for managing codes and creating the GCT File. I'll add your tool to our wiki program list

#Windwaker hd gecko cheat codes how to#
It might seem obvious to lot of people, but if someone who is new to WiiU hacking see your thread he won't understand how to use it. emulator wii u, dolphin emulator wiki, dolphin emulator wind waker.
#Windwaker hd gecko cheat codes Patch#
You didn't mention which tools or hack the user need to launch, for example Kernel patch (probably Kernel31 ?) then TCPGecko? 2 Wired Classic Controller Pro Gamepad for Wii Wii U Remote Video Games White US. You did a good work, and probably spent lot of time to test everything.